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Tech facts 2

                TECH FACTS-2

#1:- There have a website on internet which is " makes everything is ok". On that website, there have no anything without a botton. When you press this bottom,it show you everything is ok. When you said and press this button, you can avoid your said ness something. It is a psychological facts. But practically it botton has no work any think. But you think that every thing is ok.

#2:- Niue is a country where provides free wi-fi to their citizen. Which is in South specific ocean. On whole country, there people can use free internet. 

#3:- On YouTube, which have 2 billion users. 1/3 internet users are use YouTube. And it is a large platform.

#4:- Google translate is a world large translators network. And it can translate 345 language.

#5:- There have a website which helps you to see hacking attack on real time. Which is"Real time hacking attack".And you get more attack information from this site.

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It's nur's blog said…
Thank you sir 🙏🙏🙏
It's nur's blog said…
#YouTube channel hacked