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How VPN works ?




             In this article we discuss about Vpn. Today we know that what is Vpn ,use of Vpn,.

  • What is VPN ?

               Full form of Vpn is 'Virtual Private Network '. It is a software program. 

  • Without of VPN 

  1.            When you visit any website like you see article on this website, it stored any data center of Google. 
When you search any thing then your IP address (Internet Protocol) connect the server where the data store. Then you network provider can trace your IP address and seeyour all activities.

  2.            If you get any open wi-fi service , wi-fi provider can see your all data. And hack to your device.
 3.        If you are indian and you want to asses any website which is not available in India. When you trying to asses it, then your IP get blocked. 

               After ussing Vpn, you can solve these type of problems.  er you ussing Vpn , you can solve these type of problems. 

  • Work of VPN       


               After you use Vpn, your IP address get encrypted and your activities on internet get hide. Government and network provider can't trace to you. Your data be secure on open wi-fi sources. Paid Vpn is more secure. If you want to get free Vpn you can download from playstore Or apple store.  If you visit any other countries you can asses anything which is not available in that country.


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Unknown said…
We learn batter then other websites. Thanks for this nice statment.