What is BITCOIN ?
Bitcoin is a virtual crypto currency. You can't see and touch it. It is a secret money wich you can save in internet wallet. You can buy or shell any things to use it. Like , on india , people are using rupees for bye and shell any think. Like same you can buy or shell any think to using Bitcoin. Bitcoin was discovered on 3 January 2009. It was discovered by Satoshi Nakamoto From Japan.
Where bitcoin store ?
On our country, some banks and authorities are manegement money. But they have no any authority on bitcoin. We can't do trace it. It is a digital currency. It is not any government currency. It was illigal in India but on 2020 it get liggal. We can break it till eight des
Bitcoin price in india?
One bitcoin is equal to 12,160.90 $. And bitcoin price in india and is 7,44,042.22 Indian Rupee.
When any person send any bitcoin, first many mathmatical problem and algorithms are solve any person then his transition get successful. A person who have very powerful super computer, can solved it and get something from it. This currency is not popular in India but it becomes popular in India. So you can use till 0.00000001 . You can expenditure like 0.001,0.00001,0.1 .
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