In this blog you learn that why flight mode have In mobile. And how its work. When you visit any where on flight, the waiters give instructions that "please keep your phone flight mode". Can a mobile phone crash a aeroplane ?
When your use internet, your phone take internet from nearest tower. When you going on road, this this network change slowly. Because your speed is limited on road and changes tower slowly.
But on air, the aeroplane have more fast then road vehicles. When you go on flight, your mobile can't select any fixed tower because your network connect nearest tower very fast. Your phone connect one tower to another tower frequently.
Not only you but also many people are use network. And this tower stop to work for these cause. If you use internet when aeroplane loss it's navigation, it may be crash.
On old aeroplane, navigation frequency is same with cell phone frequency. So frequency of cell phone may be effected on navigation of flight. If you switch off your phone, then you phone stopped but the frequency has not stopped.
So the phone company are give aeroplane mode on mobile phone. On new aeroplane have Wi-Fi connection for passengers for using internet. And flight take network from satellite.
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